When I first started to hear about the “Keto” diet a year or so ago, my first thought was that it was just another fad diet that was gaining popularity, but would eventually fade into obscurity like so many other popular weight loss diets. I mean, who would think that a diet high in fat(which is supposedly bad for you, right?) and extremely low in carbohydrates such as fructose, bread, whole grains, rice, and oats could possibly be good for you. Well, the more I started looking into it, I began to see that perhaps I had been somewhat wrong about what is “healthy” and “not healthy”. Before I go on, however, let me just say that I do not believe carbohydrates are unhealthy, and there are millions upon millions of people who live healthy lifestyles with high, healthy carbohydrate intakes. What I want to argue is that when looked at from the point of view of what our bodies need, and what they do not need, the Ketogenic way of eating seems to make the most sense and includes numerous health benefits including weight loss and physical performance, mental clarity, very low inflammation, and likely disease and cancer prevention.
So what exactly is the Ketogenic way of eating? The most basic answer to this question is that the Ketogenic Diet is very high in fat, moderate in protein, and extremely low in carbohydrate intake. It is not just a low-carb diet, as it is often confused with. In a low carb diet, which is also a common weight loss method, an individual will lower their carbohydrate level in order to prevent excess carbs from being stored as energy, or fat as we know it. However, in a traditional low-carb diet, the carbohydrate level is still high enough where the body continues to use them as its main source of fuel. In a Ketogenic Diet, however, an individual lowers their carbohydrate intake to such a small amount that the body can no longer feed off carbohydrates for fuel and instead produces ketones for energy, which are created from fat. This is why the Ketogenic Diet is so often used as a weight loss strategy. When the body begins to use fat as its main source of fuel, it will also become extremely efficient at burning stored fat off of the body, as many people will attest to. One important thing to keep in mind on a Ketogenic Diet is that the fats that you consume should be coming from real, whole, natural ingredients such as nuts, olive oil, avocado oil, steak, bacon(yes, bacon is healthy), butter(yes, butter is healthy), eggs(eat the yolks!), and avocados, just to name some examples. Fats that should be avoided whenever possible include vegetable oil, canola oil, margarine, and any hydrogenated oils. The carbohydrates that are consumed on a Ketogenic Diet should mostly come from leafy greens, which you can eat as much as you like of, such as kale, broccoli, and spinach, as well as some berries and occasional fruit for a treat. When these general rules are followed to keep your Keto diet as clean as possible, the best results will follow, whether that be just for weight loss, or a lifetime of vibrant health.
Besides weight loss, which is probably the most common reason people are using this diet, another awesome benefit of the Ketogenic Diet is that it is extremely low in inflammation. Every time that an individual consumes carbohydrates, their insulin levels rise in order to store the carbs for energy. The worst carbohydrates of all, and even health experts who do not promote the Keto diet will tell you this, are added sugars and simple, processed carbs such as table sugar, bread, and deserts. When these foods are consumed on a regular basis, it causes blood sugar levels to be elevated consistently, leading to inflammation within the body. I’ll admit, I do not know a whole lot about what inflammation looks or feels like within the body, but many studies have come out linking inflammation to numerous modern diseases that humans suffer from, including obesity, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. The Ketogenic Diet is similar to the Paleo diet in that it attempts to mimic what our ancestors would have eaten thousands and thousands of years ago. Like the Paleo diet, which excludes any and all processed foods, particularly added sugars and processed carbs, the Ketogenic Diet takes it a step further and limits even natural carbohydrates and sugars. The argument for this reasoning is that our ancestors, unless they lived between the tropic of cancer and the tropic of Capricorn, ate mostly fatty animal meat and leafy vegetables as their main source of food, with fruits being available to them a month or two out of the year when the trees ripened. With this logic, our DNA is not programmed to be eating a diet high in carbs and sugars 12 months out of the year, and instead prefers to live on a diet high in fat and protein. With this low-carb, high fat diet, insulin and blood sugar levels are consistently low, and the body is free to run on ketones for fuel, instead of carbohydrates.
Another benefit of the Ketogenic Diet, which I believe may be the best of all if research continues to verify it, is that it is very effective at preventing cancer. As I was researching, I learned that all cancer cells share one thing in common: they feed off carbohydrates and sugars in order to grow and multiply. In an article on Healthline, it explained how with a Ketogenic Diet, blood sugar levels are very low due to the low sugar and carbohydrate intake, which is basically thought to starve cancer cells. In another article on NCBI, it states that research shows that cancer cells cannot use ketones for energy, while healthy body tissue can. In the study, it concluded that the introduction of ketones into mice with tumors prolonged their survival and reduced the burden of the tumor on them. These studies look promising, and if cancer cells feed off of sugars and carbohydrates, then it seems likely that the Ketogenic Diet could be the best diet known to man at preventing cancer.
Having been on the Ketogenic Diet for about six weeks now, with a cheat meal about once a week where I’ll have some carbs, I can say with honesty that I have never felt better physically or mentally in my life. The mental clarity that people say they experience while eating the Ketogenic way is no joke, and I can attest to it. I eat about two meals a day, and the great thing about a Ketogenic Diet is that you never have to count calories. I can literally eat as much as I want, and I’ve only seemed to loose weight. This is due to the satiating hormones that fat and protein trigger. If I try to eat 12 pieces of bacon and 8 eggs, I would be full somewhere about halfway through, and I would be so full that I could not eat another bite or I’d feel sick. Carbohydrates, on the other hand, do not cause this satiating effect. I could probably eat an entire box of whole grain cereal and an hour later I’d be hungry again. Again, I do not believe that all carbohydrates are unhealthy, and their are many that are incredibly nutritious, However, I believe that to follow the proper human diet, the Ketogenic Diet is the way to eat.
Sources Used:
- “7 Great Benefits of the Ketogenic Diet”, KenDBerryMD, youtube.com, October 22, 2017.
- “Can a Ketogenic Diet Help Fight Cancer?”, by Rudy Mawer, Healthline, July 24, 2016.
- “How to do a Keto Diet: The Complete Guide”, Thomas Delauer, youtube.com, December 6, 2018.
- Ketone Supplementation decreases tumor cell viability and prolongs survival of mice with metastatic cancer”, by AM Poff, C. Ari, P Arnold, TN Seyfried and DP D’Agostino, Wiley-Blackwell Online Open, October 1, 2014.
- “Reduced Pain and Inflammation in Juvenile and Adult Rats Fed a Ketogenic Diet”, by David N. Ruskin, Masahito Kawamura Jr., and Susan A. Masino, plos.org, December 23, 2019.
- “Reducing Inflammation: Why the Ketogenic Diet and Exogenous Ketones Are Key”, by Dr. Brianna Stubbs and Chill Olonan, HVMN, February 28, 2019.
- “What is the Ketogenic Diet?(Basic Concepts Simply Discusses)”, KenDBerryMD, youtube.com, July 17, 2018