The Best Sauce

In the book I am currently reading, Don Quixote, by Miguel de Cervantes, I came across a line that really didn’t have all that much to do with the plot of the book, but really made me think. The line reads “The best sauce in the world is hunger.” The first thought that came to my mind when I read this are the memories I have of backpacking up to Topa Topa mountain in Ojai, CA. It is about a 10 mile hike to the top, mostly consisting of steep trails and switchbacks, and I remember how when I finally reached the summit and had a meal with my hiking crew, no matter what the meal was, it tasted better than anything else in the world, or at least it seemed so at the time. I remember the coffee that my dad brewed at the top of the mountain after a 10 hour day of hiking with only water to drink, and how to this day I have not had a cup of coffee that tasted that good no matter how perfectly I make it.

So is there a way to make food taste this good on a regular basis, without having to hike 10 miles up a mountain? I believe that there is, and just like the mountain scenario, it doesn’t have to do with the food itself but more of the mental and physical state you are in. If you go into any grocery store and start walking down the aisles, you will see thousands of products saying things like “BURSTING WITH FLAVOR,” or “MAX FLAVOR,” or “FLAVOR EXPLOSION,” all essentially trying to tell the consumer that if they would just buy this product they will find the flavor experience that they are craving and looking to satisfy. However if you look at the back of these products, and the vast majority of products sold in a typical grocery store, you will find ingredients that are truly detrimental to your health that human beings were never meant to eat. They are loaded with highly refined sugar, processed vegetable oils, msg, and countless artificial ingredients that are hard to pronounce. There has to be a better way to experience the rich flavor that food has to offer and that we want, without sacrificing our health.

Having just read 12 Rules for Life, by Jordan Peterson, I want to give my 3 rules for nutrition for getting the most out of what you eat, both in terms of nourishment, and enjoyment. After all, we are created to enjoy the food we eat. The first rule: Think about each and every thing you put into your body. This first rule requires what I think of as the mind to tongue connection(people familiar with weight training may know of the mind to muscle connection). Before you eat anything, think about why you are eating it, and how it is going to help nourish your body. You’ll find that by doing this, you are very unlikely to pick up a bag of potato chips at 11am. I promise, you are not so hungry that you will not be able to make it to lunch without a snack, and nothing in that bag of chips is going to help you in any way live a healthy life. Instead, wait until you can eat a real, healthy meal that will actually give your body the nutrition that it needs, and it will taste so much better than any junk food you might think you want. Ever since I have started incorporating this mind to tongue connection, I have never once regretted not grabbing a slice of pizza at a pizza party, or having just one slice of bread to hold me over. Always think: I don’t need it, and when I do eat my actual nutritious food I’ll be proud of myself for not giving in to my craving.

The second rule: think about your nutrition as one of the most important things in your life. Next to your faith and family is there really anything more important than your health? Think about the extent you would go to to make sure your family is healthy and their future secure. Think about the time and effort you put into a career that brings you income and sustenance. Why is it then that so many people are fine with eating a diet full of processed foods and artificial ingredients that yes, might taste good, but that are only leading you towards pain and suffering in the future. When you think of nutrition as one of the most important things in your life, and for yourself personally perhaps the most important thing, then you will no longer be ok with this, and will start implementing rule 1 into your life: thinking about each and every ingredient you put into your body.

The third rule: eat foods that humans are supposed to eat. I have a whole other blog post about what I believe is the proper human diet(the ketogenic diet), but no matter how you choose to eat, try to eat single ingredient foods that you know will nourish your body. I promise, you don’t have to buy foods that have labels bragging about how they are bursting with flavor, and often even claim to be healthy in order to eat tasty, satisfying foods. I used to think that I could never make food as “tasty” as something I could get in a drive thru, or as “tasty” as my favorite cereal, but when I use the mind to tongue concept, my bacon and eggs that I make all the time tastes much better. I’m hungry and looking forward to it when I eat it, I know that everything in it is nourishing my body and providing it what it needs, and yes, it tastes delicious. After I eat a filling meal like that, I wouldn’t even want the junk foods that I crave sometimes when I’m hungry.

I try to follow these three “rules” as much as I can, and I have found that even if I am not climbing a strenuous mountain, I can still make the food I eat to fuel and replenish myself taste extremely good. I get to taste the wonderful flavors that whole, real foods provide while also knowing that I am feeding my body what it needs to live long and healthy. That’s the best sauce you can ask for.